
The Ordinary Man

What does it mean to be ordinary, average, normal? If you look at someone passing by and think that they’re an ordinary person; isn’t this shallow, isn’t a dismisal of what’s beneath the surface?
Are we all ordinary? Is this the standard? I’m sure that we’re not all alike and that we each have a story to tell, but how exciting this story is depends on how you chose to run your life.
One thing I’m sure of is that I don’t want to be ordinary, I crave to be different, to challenge, to do more than what’s asked … to shine.
Are you ordinary? And if so are you happy that you are?

This month’s issue of Business Today hosts an interview that was done with my father as part of a special article they’re doing on the best Egyptians in their field of work.

It posted on their website here, and I must say that it made me really proud when I read it.

So congratulations dad and thanks for everything.


There are moments that really stick to your memory. Of those I have many; lots of them with my wife, while the rest is with my daughter.; the two most important beings in my life.

Well … some of the ones I have for Leila make smile with joy when I remember them. Some of the ones I cherish the most:
– When she sleeps at night she has to hold her mother’s hand telling her “edy edy”,
– She likes to climb up my body to carry her; she puts her feet on mine and starts climbing up my chest until we’re face-to-face,
– I love it when she yells “Semsem!!” and throws her hands in the air at the end of the “Alem Semsem” theme song,
– When she laughs so hard when I fake that I’m falling,
– How that the very first thing she does when she wakes up in the morning is to call me, saying “Koki oum, oum”, and we go into the kitchen to get her morning juice,
– How she  claps for herself while sitting on the toilet,
– She likes to look at herself in the mirror and pull her tongue to her reflection and makes silly faces,

And the top of them all is how she greets me when I come back from a trip, yelling “Papi, papi!”. This just breaks my heart that I left her for these few days.

More to come as she grows I’m sure, but for now I just cherish every moment I have with her.


Have you ever wished that you could say something to a fellow driver while in your car but they have their window up or you’re too speedy to be able to pass the message whether it’s curse, thanks or flirt?
Well they’ve done it: Drivemocion is here. This is a device that you can attached to the rear window and with a press of a button, can show one of some preset messages; it has a Thanks, Backoff & Idiot messages among others. Very nice!

Check it here.


Ever since Showtime announced their new channel restructure, it’s been the target of a competition frenzy from it’s near line competitor Orbit.
Orbit has a new slogan now: “Orbit for real not for show”; get it?
They have also got back Jay Leno & Conan on their comedy channel after Showtime has ceased airing them, and are announcing that they’re the only network to have them.

They are also using Showtime’s line “a year before any other channel”, but they changed for some shows into “three years before any other channel” ! Three years? Do they think that other channels are going to wait three years to get hit shows and air them?

Nice try Orbit, but I don’t think your marketing efforts have enough ground to attract new viewers let alone grab some of Showtime market share.


Leno Line

Just heard one of the funniest lines on the Tonight Show:
“Laura Bush said that she can’t help sleeping without reading while her husband can’t help reading without sleeping… Opposites attract!”


A very strange documentary on how you should eat Sushi in Japan.



Upcoming Eid Movies

These are the main two movies I’d like to watch this Eid:


The official site of El Rahina, (I think that this is the first time that we had an official site for an egyptian film)



This is a very cool online game with the sole purpose of killing as many zombies as possible with a variety of weapons in different rooms. Nice!



The new film (or two films to be accurate) from QT & RR. Just plain awesome!

